ictrahman.com Be sure to follow the blog policy below before posting and commenting. Registering and commenting on the tunerpage will assume that he has read the 'blog policy', understood it, agreed to it and made his name in the meeting of our friends. Welcome to our world. ictrahman.com bears no legal or other liability for published writings and comments.

A. Language of Tune: The language of Tune must be in Bengali and it is at least three-fourths of Tune. Words related to science and technology can be written using English, Greek and Latin characters. In no way can it be tuned by mixing English Bengali or distorting useless Bengali words. Analytical words cannot be used

B. Hacking and cracking related: Hacking, cracking, phishing, cyber crime, etc. can be tuned. In this case, any information must be unique and cannot be site-specific.

C. Crack, Serial and Keygen: Crack, Serial and Keygen etc. of the software cannot be published directly in the tune. If necessary, the link can be given by uploading it as a text file on another site.

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E. Tune copy and paste: It can be tuned by copying and pasting the standard text of others which is not your own writing. In this case, the name of the original author and the source or link to the publication must be mentioned.

F. Purpose of the tune: The same site cannot be featured differently for promotional purposes. Any other site can be tuned with easy use or strategies. Site description cannot be tuned for advertising purposes.

G. In social and religious contexts: Social, religious, political, etc. or all these events can not be tuned to indicate the flow.

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